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CO Summer School Central  (Ontario Summer School, June 2018) (Old site; new site is at https://scinet.courses)

Monday June 10, 2024 - 09:50

The Compute Ontario Summer School on Scientific and High Performance Computing is an annual educational event for graduate/undergraduate students, postdocs and researchers to learn and share knowledge and experience in high performance and technical computing on modern HPC platforms.

The Toronto summer school ("Compute Ontario Summer School Central") is hosted by SciNet, and will have the following three streams: Stream 1: High Performance computing; Stream 2: Data Science; Stream 3: Biomedical. Instructors are from SciNet, SHARCNET, and CAMH.

Clicking on the sessions in the table below, will bring you to a page dedicated to that session. If you're looking for a way to change your session selection, that can be done here.

HPC Stream Data Science Stream Biomedical Stream
Mon, Jun 11
Morning: 09:30-12:30
Welcome and Introduction to HPC and SciNet Welcome and Introduction to HPC and SciNet
Welcome and Introduction to HPC and SciNet
Afternoon: 13:30-16:30
Programming Clusters with Message Passing Interface Introduction to the Linux Shell Python for MRI analysis
Tue, Jun 12
Morning: 09:30-12:30
Programming Clusters with Message Passing Interface Introduction to R Image Analysis at Scale
Afternoon: 13:30-16:30
Programming Clusters with Message Passing Interface Introduction to Python HCP with HPC: Surface Based Neuroimaging Analysis
Wed, Jun 13
Morning: 09:30-12:30
Programming GPUs with CUDA Parallel Python PLINK
Afternoon: 13:30-16:30
Programming GPUs with CUDA Machine Learning with Python Next Generation Sequencing
Thu, Jun 14
Morning: 09:30-12:30
Programming GPUs with CUDA Neural Networks with Python RNASeq Analysis
Afternoon: 13:30-16:30
Programming GPUs with CUDA Scientific Visualization Suites R for MRI analysis
Fri, Jun 15
Morning: 09:30-12:30
Shared Memory Parallel Programming with OpenMP Debugging, Profiling and Bring-Your-Own-Code Lab Public Datasets for Neuroscience
Afternoon: 13:30-16:30
Shared Memory Parallel Programming with OpenMP Debugging, Profiling and Bring-Your-Own-Code Lab Biomedical Hacking

Group Picture

Location Registration is closed Cost
Wilson Hall - New College
University of Toronto
St. George Campus
40 Willcocks St.
Toronto, ON M5S 1C6

524, 1016, 1017, 2006
(check the sessions for the room assignments)

Step 1
If you have a SciNet account, log into this site, select the summer school and click on "Register Me".
Or, if you do not have a SciNet account, then you can register at tinyurl.com/toss2018reg, enter the required information such as login, password and email. In the latter case, you will receive an email with a link to confirm your email.

Step 2
Make your session selection (see program below). You can alter your selection at any time, but note that seats are limited.

The event is free of charge, though meals, travel and lodging are at the participant's own expense.

We thank SciNet, SHARCNET, and CAMH who are providing the instructors .

This event is furthermore sponsored by Compute Ontario.

There are two other instances of the 2018 Compute Ontario summer school: One hosted by SHARCNET at Western University (May 28-Jun 1) one hosted by CAC at Queen's University (Jul 30-Aug 3). Each site has a slightly different list of courses, but all include both in-class lectures and hands-on sessions. Those who attend at least three full days cumulatively will receive an official certificate of attendance.


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